Thursday, May 10, 2012

Red Rose Porcelain Tea Figurines!

I recently came across a lot of cool Red Rose Porcelain Tea Figurines at a sale.  They're adorable so I had to buy them! The research part of them has been so much fun to do! They come in various series and were all started by a lady wanting gifts for others.  Over the years the original molds have broken or torn up, so vintage and antique pieces can be worth some money! I think my favorite has to be the "Strongman" figurine! It's so darn cute!

Be sure to check out the eBay site to see some more of the figurines and to hopefully buy one or two!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

It has been way too long since I last wrote for the blog! The end of the school semester kept me crazy busy, so I haven't had a lot of time to devote to antiques.  Now that summer is here I'm back at it!  I've just posted a lot of items on eBay at lower prices.  Inventory needs to be cleared for summer stock.  My job is now going to allow me to travel some this summer so I'll be "thrifting" and "antiquing" in many new places.

Be sure to check out the eBay deals under    Who knows, if you email me on ebay maybe you'll get a discount on an item!